Page Templates

Templates is a native feature of WordPress and its function is to define how the content of the page will be displayed. The Shock Theme provides options that apply to each need.

Default template It has a defined container width and is the only one that allows you to have a sidebar, if any widget is add to it.
Shock Full Width It has no container and fills the entire width of the screen. Used in almost all theme demos.
Shock Full Container It has a container, but with a larger width.
Shock Boxed Container It has a container, with a smaller width, making the layout short and centralized.
Shock Blog List This template should be used to display blog posts, however creating a page with the Full Width template and adding a blog widget makes this more attractive.
Shock Portfolio List This template should be used to display portfolio posts, however creating a page with the Full Width template and adding a portfolio widget makes this more attractive.

Selecting a Page Template

  • When Editing a Page, Post, Portfolio, etc, note the Template option on the right side of the screen, click on it.
  • You will see a dropdown list of all available options.
  • Select the Page Template of your choice.
  • Click on the Publish button to save the changes.
Installing a WordPress theme.
Selecting a Page Template.