What is an Shock Widget?

Elementor Page Builder allows you to create things for your website through widgets, which are blocks with customization controls. You edit the blocks live, that is, while typing a text, or changing a color, you see the result instantly.

The Shock Theme provides 50+ Elementor Widgets with unique controls that make it possible to create almost anything a website needs.

Widgets are divided into the following categories:

Shock Widgets Recommended to create the general content of the pages.
Shock Header Widgets Recommended to create the content of the Navbar, Menus, among others.
Shock Footer Widgets Recommended for creating Footer content, but can be useful elsewhere as well.
Shock Post Widgets It has functions for querying posts, portfolios, etc. and brings these contents dynamically.
Shock Global Widgets It has specific blocks for the Global Section

Adding/Editing a Widget

  • Make sure you Setting Elementor
  • When Editing a Page, Post, Portfolio, etc, click Edit With Elementor.
  • The Elementor Editor will open and you will have all available options. Note that the widgets are separated by category and by right-clicking on one of them, you make it a favorite.
  • Click and hold on a widget and drag it to the page content area to add it.
  • Widget controls will be displayed.
  • Content: Usually for inputting text, images, and content items.
  • Style: Where are the color, typography, and general styling controls.
  • Advanced: Used to modify layout and add ID and CSS classes.
  • The available options are self-explanatory, there are many variations you can get to build or customize.
  • Click on the Update button to save the changes.

Example: Customizing a Widget with Elementor:

Customizing a Widget.
Customizing a Widget.