Server Requirements

To use Shock Theme you need a few services running, configured correctly and ready to host a WordPress site. If you have questions about the availability of these features, contact support for your web hosting service.

The following requirements are strictly required:

  • Web Server Available
  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • WordPress 5.8 or higher
  • MySQL 5 or higher

PHP Requirements

Shock Theme has been thoroughly tested to make sure everything works fine. The following requirements were noted with excellence in overall performance.

We recommend that you configure your server like this:

PHP Memory Limit 256M or greater
PHP Post Max Size 100M or greater
PHP Max Input Vars 3000 or greater
Upload Max File Size 100M or greater
Max Execution Time 900 or greater
Max Input Time 900 or greater

These are suggested values, it may happen that you have limits smaller than this and everything works perfectly.

Your server will be more demanding, when editing very long pages, saving entries in WordPress with a lot of data and in the process of importing demos, where a lot of data is processed.